House Cleaning

How to get rid of bad smells from a small apartment

Always having a clean, welcoming, and above all, fragrant home is the dream of many women or those who love their home. Often, in a small environment, such as an apartment or a studio, it comes to being bad smells. The problem is greater as they spread throughout the environment with the consequence of increasing our discomfort and that of our guests.

In this guide, we will see how to eliminate bad smells from a small apartment successfully.

Needed: The juice of 1 lemon, baking soda, lavender essential oil, grated rind of a lemon, fan, houseplants.

The first thing to do to have clean air is to open one or two windows, which will allow us to eliminate most of the odors in a few minutes. But if time does not allow it, we can always use the dear and old fan, which will not cool the environment.

But will be an ally against unpleasant odors as it will circulate the air in no time. Another good idea is to get us some houseplants that will significantly improve our home’s air quality, and many of them are excellent odor traps such as Boston fern, ivy, or anthurium.

The problem of bad smell is an embarrassing thing, but it could cause allergies or other symptoms on the respiratory level, so the first step we will have to take will be to find the source, which is the place where these unpleasant smells start to form.

If they come from the drains of the pipes, then to eliminate them, we can easily put a little freshly squeezed lemon juice in each of them, leave it to act for half an hour, and then rinse with hot water; we will see that from the first time we do this operation, we will have satisfactory results.

If, on the other hand, the reason for the bad smell comes from the garbage, then the remedy will be to put a little baking soda on the bottom of the bin under the bag and, for an even better result, we can take a bowl, combine baking soda and grated peel of a lemon and leave in the kitchen.

In this way, while we prepare dinner or lunch, all the smells will be captured, leaving a good lemon scent. Lavender essential oil is also an excellent remedy to prevent bad odors, and we need a few drops to put on a cotton ball and put in the vacuum cleaner to obtain a relaxing scent for our home.

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