
How to choose the table for the dining room

We know that many choose to ” put his hand to the house with the spring, ” to renovate, refurbish the walls, choose a new scent, or why not change some piece of furniture. One of the most important elements of the dining room is the table, for example.

The main protagonist of dinners with friends, evenings, great for family meals. In short, a nice table furnishes gives an image of class, and it is crucial as a shelf!

Here are some tips for choosing a new one, if you want to change it, or better evaluate your first table’s purchase.

Traditionally, the right height for the floor is 73 cm, which combines a chair with a 45 cm. The relationship between the two heights should remain constant to allow perfect fruition.

Even the space between the table’s legs must be at least 62 cm to be comfortable even when seated. In this case, for example, the models that have legs at the corners are excellent and those with a central leg (central support).

When you imagine the size of your table, you consider that the usable space of each post is about 60 inches, so if you have a large family, you do some calculations to find it not too tight.

The width of the floor should never be less than 80 cm, because facing each other should be their TV and glasses, without taking up the entire surface where they will also be positioned serving dishes, bottles, bread, basket, and so on.

And now we come to the shape! The rectangular table is easier because it is less bulky, but the diners’ point of view creates a hierarchy. The round table instead makes all the diners at the same flow (think King Arthur), but if you have a large family and want a round table, the circumference will be quite large.

Regarding the lighting, know that the correct height of the light above the table would be about 60 cm and that the important thing is that the table is illuminated. Therefore, in a rectangular table of average dimension, the light point should be exactly in the center (so as for a round table). On the other hand, if the rectangular table is very long, you can think to come up with more points of light.

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