House Cleaning

How to wash blackout curtain

These days, it is good to take special care of your home’s general appearance, including all the furniture and the curtains. The latter is very important for your comfort, but also to beautify the house. There are different types. Each of them is used in various ways to make the house as welcoming as possible and perhaps even with the greatest possible privacy.

One of these types is the blackout curtains, which we will talk about today and tend to be used as walls so that maybe someone passing by your house can see what is inside. So let’s see how to wash the blackout curtains.

Needed: Blackout curtain, Large basin, Warm water.

Prepare the wash

First of all, you will have to make sure of your blackout blind; there are several, and depending on them, the type of washing to be carried out is distinguished. Velvet curtains are much more difficult to wash, so they are considered impractical, albeit very sumptuous and useful.

While another type, linen curtains, are certainly more practical to wash and also dry, they are also much lighter, perfect for those who can’t stand the heat that is instead retained by velvet curtains. No type of fabric is not recommended, since even if less practical, it will certainly make you look beautiful.

Proceed to wash

At this point, that is, after having made sure of the type of curtain you have, you will obviously have to proceed with the washing. This must be done inside a large basin or the bathtub not to risk creasing or damaging the curtain in any way.

Even linen curtains, despite being the most practical ones, are not immune to being damaged. Then fill your container with lukewarm or slightly hot water, and at this point, immerse your tent folded in an orderly manner. You just have to let it soak for about two hours.

Conclude it

As the last step, you will only have to remove your tent from the basin, be careful not to fold it, and safely leave it to dry in a not very humid place in the house and where obviously it cannot touch the ground. When it is slightly damp, you can store it in the place where it will remain permanently, or in any case, until the next wash.

You will not have to iron the blackout curtain in any way, as this does not need it, but only needs not to be hastily folded during washing. Then wait for them to dry, and at that point, it will be ready to perform its function again.

Note: I recommend following some instruction manuals before proceeding with washing.

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