House Cleaning

How to clean a rusty cast iron stove

Almost every material present in the environment is attackable by the oxygen contained in the air we breathe. The reaction that causes oxygen in contact with metals is called oxidation. In addition to spoiling the appearance, the oxides also tend to reduce their metallic resistance.

For some metals, oxidation is only superficial, as the oxide creates a sort of protective film that prevents it from going deep. While in other materials, such as the classic iron, it goes deep, also affecting its mechanical characteristics.

Cast iron is a material that is only affected superficially by oxidation. Eliminating it is not so complicated. If you have come here looking for remedies for oxidation on cast iron, you are in the right place! Read on to find out how to clean a rusty cast iron stove with a few.

Needed: Abrasive cloth, Cooking salt, Vinegar, Spatula or box cutter, Anti-rust paint, Bleach.

To avoid constant corrosion, which could irreparably ruin it, cast iron must be treated with specific products. If the rust has already spread, you must take immediate action to remove it. Start by taking the thick-grain abrasive cloth, the one you see from the body shop, wet it slightly, and then rub it on the parts affected by rust.

After you have removed the rust present, use a file to recreate the level altered by the rust. At this point, to protect it from future oxidation, apply a coat of protective varnish and then possibly paint it.

If your cast iron stove has only rust stains, and you do not want to use abrasives, you can opt for some easily available natural products, such as salt, vinegar, and oil.

The first two, diluted with a little water, allow you to eliminate rust stains, making them grainy easily eliminated using a cutter or spatula.

On the other hand, the oil has a dual function and manages to soften the rust, which is later easy to eliminate and protect the surface from future oxidation.

A final natural remedy is bleach. It can easily dissolve rust particles thanks to the oily part contained in it. To apply it, use a brush and plenty of it, leave everything to act for a couple of hours, then, using a rag and clean water, remove the rust that has completely liquefied.

Note: It is recommended to apply the anti-rust paint to avoid future oxidation.

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