House Cleaning

How to wash new linen sheets

Linen sheets have characteristics that differentiate them from all other fabrics: resistant and long-lasting, do not deteriorate easily, and retain dirt and smell well. A small problem can arise when you need to wash them, especially for the first time.

The risk we run in these cases is to squeeze or stain them. But don’t worry, with the right precautions, the possible inconvenience can be avoided. Here’s how to wash new linen sheets most properly.

Needed: New linen sheets, washing machine, detergent for delicate items, Marseille soap, Aleppo soap, bleach, coarse salt.

First of all, it must be said that the new linen sheets can be washed either by hand or in the washing machine and that there will be a different washing procedure according to whether the sheets are white or of another color.

Let’s now examine the correct way to clean a freshly purchased linen sheet with the washing machine’s help. The sheets can be washed at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees if the fabric is white, at no more than 40 degrees if the fabric is colored.

In the latter case, a detergent for delicate items should be used. Remember that linen sheets are subject to fairly easy and frequent folding when washing them. You should avoid using the centrifuge.

But the precautions to be used certainly do not end here. Linen sheets must be dried carefully after washing. The ideal would be to place them on the clothesline, without further intervention on the fabric, having only the foresight to spread them well to avoid any crease. Also, pay attention to ironing: new linen sheets should be ironed very gently, using a hot iron and using a lot of steam.

As mentioned, for the first time, linen sheets can also be washed by hand. A process that certainly requires much more time and effort, but which will guarantee you a truly excellent and accurate cleaning. It will be necessary for a correct hand wash to wash the sheets by rubbing with Marseille soap, then leaving the fabric to soak in hot water and a little bleach.

After about 60 minutes, you can go to rinse. The same procedure can be used for the hand washing of colored linen sheets, having the foresight to rub with Aleppo soap and to leave everything to soak with hot water and a pinch of coarse salt. By following these measures, your new linen sheets will maintain their characteristics unaltered over time, making you sleep soundly and peacefully.

Note: To wash colored linen sheets, use Aleppo soap: it is delicate, clean and softens the fabric.

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