How to disinfect used clothes
We want to disinfect it to the best to be sure that when we wear it. We do not risk anything. It is a good practice to disinfect all purchases in a second-hand shop well, especially for clothes. In reality, it would be better to do it even with new clothes, because we never know who has tried it before us.
Let’s see the best methods and how to do it safely, especially when it comes to clothes for our children.
The first thing to do when we buy a used suit is to wash it. It may seem clean enough because maybe the owner has already washed it before putting it on sale. However, before taking further measures, it is advisable to do a normal machine wash.
In this way, we will avoid that the dress is too dirty when we go to treat it. It is unnecessary to make him do a complete cycle. We can also opt for the short one and at low temperatures. We use our usual detergent and spread it normally. Now we can disinfect our used clothes.
We check the label of the dress and see what temperature the garment can hold. Generally, children’s clothes withstand high temperatures quite well, while adult clothes are more delicate.
If they endure high temperatures, we fill a basin with boiling water and pour a spoonful of sanitizing powder and a little bleach into it.
We put the used clothes to soak for about an hour. Then rinse them by hand and then let them do a complete cycle in the washing machine with our usual detergent. In this way used, clothes should be fairly safe.
On the other hand, if they are delicate clothes, it is difficult to rely on hot water and bleach for fear of ruining them. So let’s take our bowl and fill it with not too hot, almost lukewarm water. We add two tablespoons of sanitizing powder and mix carefully until it dissolves.
We put the used clothes to soak all night. The next morning we rinse them and pass them in the washing machine for a normal cycle with our detergent. Again, we can rest assured: we have cleaned and sanitized our clothes in complete safety.