How to eliminate bad odors from the air conditioner
When the air conditioner works very, it tends to accumulate a considerable amount of dust, giving off foul odors generated by a closed environment.
All appliances are equipped with appropriate filters to absorb a greater quantity of substances present on the premises. While performing ordinary and useful maintenance such as washing and cleaning filters, they can often spread to the home of the unpleasant odors to be eliminated.
In the hot summer months, the air conditioner’s use is frequent, both in private homes and workplaces. It can sometimes be almost impossible to do without. When this unit operates with the fan’s sun, the air may be generated musty smelling.
So it’s best to ensure that the flow of arrivals with a certain fragrance: to achieve this, first removed the filters (following the instructions in the user manual and removing power!) and clean them if you use a compressor, otherwise avoid using the hairdryer because it would not help: wash with a jet of water and a sponge soaked in vinegar, then rinse them, dry them and put them back perfectly.
Then buy in the pharmacy the special spray cans (approved Ministry of Health) who can purify the air fighting bacteria and sanitize the: spray a piece of content on the air conditioning suction mechanism to achieve the desired result.
You can also achieve a spray sanitizing and perfumed proceeding at home: take a simple spray bottle (like the one used to moisten the clothes to be ironed).
Place yourself and a solution composed of glass, water, the filtered juice of 2 lemons, and a tablespoon of baking soda (shaking well everything). Using this economic and effective home preparation will get the air conditioner’s sanitization, and the fans, entering into operation, will distribute a pleasant scent in the environment.
A further system to eliminate unpleasant odors is to obtain a canvas bag (possibly by sewing them one with a scrap of fabric) and then fill it with fragrant dried flowers and adding a wad of cotton wool soaked in essential oil with lemon or rose, lavender, etc. Tying this bag next to the air conditioner, the fragrance contained therein will be distributed in the environment, making it pleasant to the air.
Finally, keep in mind that if when the apparatus begins to enact a slight smell of gas, it is likely that you are running out of freon, a compound which serves for cooling: it proceeds then to effect recharging of the refrigerant bowl located in the vicinity of the engine.