House Cleaning

How to clean Ugg boots

With this cold, Ugg boots are by far the most suitable shoes for any time of day. The only flaw of this type of boots and they need special care when they need to be washed. Let’s see how to do it safely by not spot them or damaging them permanently.

First, check her boots all over to make sure there are no particular spots. The wash that I will explain to you needs to wash dirty boots entirely from everyday use.

In case of special stains such as oil, paint, or other need to pretreat with dry Marseille soap before performing the washing step. Get the soap and rub it on the stain to cover it up. Rub gently and remove the soap with a slightly damp sponge, then continued with the wash that I will explain.

To wash Ugg boots, you use a mild detergent. In the market, there are specific, but you can use simple washing wool or delicate. In a bowl, pour two tablespoons of detergent and cold water into two fingers.

Check that there are no specific mixing instructions. If there were follow the precise instructions on the package. The prepared mixture takes a soft terry cloth and dampens it.

Rub the surface of your boots so gentle and always in the same direction, taking care often wring the cloth so that it is not too wet. Grab a towel and moisten the mixture.

Pass the towel on the surface of the boots so circular and delicate. With a toothbrush, clean the most difficult parts such as the contours, seams, and boot edges. Rinse with a soft, damp cloth of clean water (always cold).

Put inside the boots balls of paper from home so that you do not soak with water, and they are dryly maintaining the straight form. This will prevent the formation of unsightly marks and creases.

Leave the boots in a warm area but not in direct contact with light or wind. Wait for them to dry completely and then brush with a cloth rag to comb the chamois that will gloss.

Never forget: Absolutely not even use the washing machine with a cold wash and no spin.

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