
How to choose the right colors for the bathroom

A nice bathroom always makes us proud; we know that once rebuilt will remain so for quite some time, and the desire to be perfect is always lurking! But how to get a perfect bathroom? Simple, follow the rules for choosing the right colors for a perfect result.

The first important rule is linked to size. Usually, the bathrooms are not large rooms (compared to a living room or a kitchen!). This means that err on the color mixing is not ideal. It is preferable to identify a reference color working on variations in tone, approaching it in neutral tones so that the result will be harmonious, and our eye will slide smoothly on the details.

The second rule concerns the functionality of the bathroom. Shower or bath? The choice involves different times using: the shower brings us to something faster, use morning upon rising; the tub makes us think of the relaxing bath, candles, scents. So, two functions, two different color spaces!

The third rule concerns the natural light. Take into account the exposure of windows: those exposed westwards capture the brightness of the afternoon sunset, enhancing the cold colors (purple, blue, green).

Those facing east will leave to pass the rays from the morning, that is, the warm hues of dawn, accentuating in your environment. It defined these three important points of departure. We can arm ourselves with a color fan and samples of tiles. We begin by identifying our basic color, taking into account some information that we receive from color therapy.

Consider your morning bath: sanitary, shower, and a sink with a beautiful mirror that reminds us of our face when you wake up. Well, know that the green will tend to highlight dull complexion and dark circles, then, if you love this color, do not use it near the mirror (though a still good rule generally avoid bright colors in the vicinity of the mirror, as it would tend to distort the colors, especially in the case in which both the place for the makeup).

If you type the dynamic character, the kind that jumps out of bed in the morning, you prevail in your bathrooms cool shades like lavender, blue sea, blue, aquamarine, and green to slow down a bit.

In case you have a less energetic character and pull yourself out of bed is a chore, you prefer warm colors like bright yellow, orange, and red to give you an energy boost. In both cases, you can combine neutral shades like sand, beige, creamy-white, etc.

Now we think of our relaxing bath, where it will find the place that beautiful bath (you have chosen leafing mountains of magazines and leaflets!); the size of this room will be larger, allowing us to make more specific choices risky.

Do we feel like a major bathroom? Cream and coatingsĀ areĀ reminding travertine, dark furniture with soft lines. Do you prefer a bath to take you away? You have two alternative routes, the Zen style with pure and square lines.

Prevalence of white and gray, only color allowed the red (but just mentioned), accessories made of bamboo; or ethnic style, marked by intense colors and sandy, rich in decoration and natural materials; in its most refined version, we find the use of the mosaic, in the most varied colors.

Let the feeling of purity? Naturally white, using it in its variants, mixed mosaics or impressive in Carrara marble.

It’s now time to act. You need to put together ideas, your sample collection, and head to the nearest store of tiles and finishes to achieve your dream bathroom!

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