Wood is a material that, by its nature, attracts dust with surprising ease. Unfortunately, it is enough to let a day pass without dusting the furniture to see a patina forming on the surface. Furthermore, wood is very afraid of humidity and is easily subject to scratches and stains and the attack of insects such as woodworms, able to find the ideal home in the wood. Let’s see together five ways to clean wood effectively.
A first method is used to clean recently produced furniture, usually covered with a layer of paint that makes them practically impervious to both humidity and stains caused by accidental spillage of liquids. It is sufficient to wipe the surface with a clean microfibre cloth.
To make the grease of any fingerprints disappear, spray some non-aggressive spray products. Finally, for the wood to shine, use wax a couple of times a month, always spray.
A second method is indicated for antique furniture or furniture that has not been coated with paint. In this case, use products that allow you to enrich the wood in-depth, obtain the same operation the cancel stains, and maintain natural brightness. Opt for products such as protective and nourishing oils, which have the ability to make the fibers elastic, repairing any visible scratches on the surface with wax.
A third method consists of resorting to home solutions, which do not involve the application of chemicals. Mix a few drops of the essence with a couple of teaspoons of liquid Marseille soap and the juice of half a lemon.
After cleaning it with this solution, wipe it with a cloth on which five or six drops of olive oil have been poured. Alternatively, pour an equal amount of olive oil and vinegar into a glass. Mix and apply this product with a clean cloth. Let the surface dry for at least an hour, then wipe with another dry cloth.
A fourth method is used to clean the legs of chairs and tables, often prone to bruising due to contact with feet and legs. In this case, act by soaking a cotton ball in half a glass of hot water. Then place it for a few seconds on the affected part. Then remove the latter and let it dry calmly.
The fifth method and last way concern the cleaning of parquet floors. The latter can be sanitized using a slightly damp microfibre cloth. You can safely use water or decide to soak the cloth in an infusion of green tea or a mixture of water and baking soda in equal parts. Then dry with another clean cloth to polish the wood. Wait and see the excellent benefits brought to this type of material.