House Cleaning

10 tips to get rid of bed mites

Mites are tiny insects that are fortunately not visible to the naked eye and nest on many fabrics such as sofas, armchairs, and mattresses in the bedroom and often cause allergies. To eliminate them, there are many remedies, and it is worth trying them.

About that, here is a list of 10 tips for getting rid of bed mites.

1. Use a specific spray

There is a specific spray that can be used on the market without any problem on mattresses, sheets, blankets, and curtains to avoid the proliferation of mites. The use is subject to careful preliminary cleaning to have everything perfectly clean and aseptic.

2. Spray the lavender essential oil

A very effective and natural first remedy is to spray lavender essential oil mixed with water on mattresses, sheets, and pillowcases. This substance’s specific function consists of the fact that it is an excellent antibacterial and ideal for destroying or keeping dust mites away from the bed.

3. Use a vaporizer

An equally effective remedy is the heat used on the bed, both on the exposed mattress and sheets and duvets. The ideal is a common vaporizer which at high temperatures definitively eliminates the mite problem as well as sanitizing the aforementioned surfaces.

4. Spray the baking soda on the mattress

A natural product that is easy to find at home is sodium bicarbonate. It can be sprayed on the mattress without any problem and with excellent results. The composition is simple since it involves inserting a couple of spoons of the substance mixed with water and possibly lemon juice into the sprayer.

5. Dry sheets and pillowcases in the sun

A further tip to eliminate mites from the bed is more of a precaution; once you have washed the sheets and blankets, let them dry in the sun as humidity is a particularly favorable condition for mites. Total drying prevents them from finding fertile ground for nesting.

6. Use a dehumidifier

We now recommend an environment dehumidifier on the previous step’s false line, where we mentioned the humidity that is favorable to mites. Using it at least a couple of hours a day eliminates humidity from the room and the fabrics and represents an optimal solution to keep mites away from the bed.

7. Use anti-static sheets

As it is known, the dust is attracted by some fabrics that are highly electrostatic such as synthetic ones, and it is important to avoid the accumulation in order not to proliferate in the mites. Using sheets and mattress covers with antistatic textures is good advice to optimize the result.

8. Wash sheets and pillowcases at a high temperature

As already mentioned above, heat plays an important and effective repellent action against mites about the vaporizer, so the advice is to wash sheets and pillowcases at high temperatures. If washing in the washing machine, a program between 60 and 90 degrees is ideal for maximizing the result.

9. Use a vacuum cleaner

Daily cleaning can effectively avoid the proliferation of mites, following the accumulation of dust on sheets, mattresses, and blankets. The vacuum cleaner, perhaps the one we often use to collect the crumbs from the table, is an optimal solution to prevent this inconvenience and avoid allergies, especially for our children.

10. Use a carpet beater

An ancient but always effective solution is to use a carpet beater at least once a month, especially on the mattress; turning it on both sides and using this method, the dust goes away and even the mites that have nestled.

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