10 Tips for cleaning and whitening the bathtub

Cleaning and whitening the bathtub is not an easy task since, according to its type, it requires the use of appropriate materials and products. Clogging, cracks, incrustations, and stains can occur in a tank, so each of these conditions requires adequate intervention. In this regard, here is a list of 10 useful tips for cleaning and whitening the bathtub.

1. Use white vinegar

White vinegar is certainly an excellent product for cleaning and whitening the bathtub. If used, eliminates the limescale generated by especially hot water and sanitizes and make the internal part of the structure shiny. The application must be made with a sponge, and then a rinse with a cold-water booster is provided.

2. Mix baking soda and lemon

If limescale deposits are particularly difficult to remove, we can create an effective paste by mixing baking soda and lemon juice. Both guarantee us a slight abrasive and cleaning action, giving us back the shiny and new tank.

3. Use ammonia

Ammonia can also be used to clean the bathtub, especially if it is an enameled metal base. Ammonia, by nature, tends to dissolve dirt and to make metal surfaces clean and shiny. After use, it is essential to provide a thorough rinse if the substance dries. It tends to create a sort of verdigris.

4. Create a specific soap

We can create a specific soap at home to clean and sanitize the bathtub in a simple and inexpensive, and ecological way, dissolve neutral soap and laundry soap in hot water, then add some vinegar and baking soda.

5. Use Coca Cola

If the keying of the bathtub cap is particularly blackened due to stagnation of water or dirt, we can use Coca Cola which, if left on for a few minutes, becomes an excellent antioxidant and restores shine to the metal part in question.

6. Use the abrasive paste

Even the abrasive paste of the type used for cars can be useful for the bath, especially if it also presents scratches or opacified by wear and excess limestone. Using this product with cotton wool means obtaining the tub as shiny as the first day we installed it.

7. Use hydrogen peroxide

Another valid natural product to be used to sanitize and descale the limescale stains present in the bath is certainly hydrogen peroxide, which, especially in the cap, pulls out all the dirt, also eliminating body hair and especially bad smell.

8. Use the pasta water

Being the water of the pasta being slightly slimy and boiling, it can be useful if used to clean the bathtub; especially if still hot, it serves to decrease the surface, and at the same time to remove blockages that are created in the duct as a result of flakes of skin and body hair, but also from solidified soap.

9. Rub the tub with the coffee laying

To carefully clean the area adjacent to the bathtub cap, rub the affected surface with the coffee lying. The latter performs light and effective abrasive action, capable of returning the tub’s enamel to a shiny and shiny finish.

10. Use toothpaste

Toothpaste can also be used very well for the bath, especially if it contains micro granules. The dry application with a sponge and the rubbing allows us to clean the tank, making it appear clean thoroughly and like new in this case too.

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